Sunday, November 05, 2006

Digital Divide

It is important we know all about different cultures and the internet is a good way to learn about it. Cultures differ from Europe to Asia to the Middle East. Europe is more likely to need the internet then say countries in Africa. We can all learn this off the internet and using digital technology is the way forward. Learning about culture from books can have its downsides as using digital technology we can see and hear it. The advantages are you can learn all about different cultures on the internet. A disadvantage is people can be offended by religious content on the internet. Also the internet has freedom of speech but this may be ruled out in the near future.

Not all countries can afford the internet however not all countries need the internet. Developed countries such as England and America are advanced with technology and most homes have internet access. Countries such as Africa have the internet but not many people would have it in their homes. You would get buses going round the area with internet access on it or buildings with signals. The internet is getting faster and faster over the years and soon basic internet should be free of charge. Soon all countries should be able to afford the internet if drastic measures are taken but this may not be for many years. However half the world's population now has access to a fixed-line telephone,, and 77% to a mobile network.

Some countries are behind on the connection speed due to the government of their country. Some countries may not need to have 8 Meg broadband if it is not useful to them but some countries may. In the UK 8 Meg is the fastest broadband you can get in your homes but you can’t get it in all areas. This means you can download faster, an mp3 song should only take a couple of seconds. However some packages do have download limits. This speed would not be needed in some countries as they may use it for Illegal content or basically they don’t need fast downloads.

Some areas will not be able to receive fast broadband. This also includes not being able to receive digital TV. This is a downside as everyone should be able to receive digital TV and fast broadband. Some developing countries may not be able to receive the internet but you can get buses going round with internet access and signals from tall buildings.

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